The webside most visited for me about obstetricia is an atlas, this atlas contains a lot of images on varied topics, as cytology, prenatal diagnosis, radiology, obstetric ultrasound scan, embriology among others. each of these topics subdivides in others for expample the topic of obstetric ultrasound scan, was divided in: normal anatomy, malformations and patology of pregnancy and every images possesses a text in wich it explains the above mentioned image
I found this webside surfing the net in an english class, I like so much this site because it's so clever and helps me to understand a basic notions of diferent situations and patologics observed in to obstetricia
I see this webside about once a week, because they can help me to understand my class of genetic and embriology and I hope this site could help in later classes and in oters years of the careeer of obstetrics and puericulture, and in my future work as matron
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